The 7th annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics will take place November 18-20th at the Gordon Institute (GIBS) in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference draws practitioners from private industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government, and military, who are active participants or interested in health and humanitarian operations,

*If you are interested in presenting a poster at the conference, please upload your submission online here as soon as possible or email A limited amount of funding may be available for accepted poster presenters.including both disaster response and long-term development. 

PLENARY PANEL topicsinclude:

  • Planning for and Responding to Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
  • Improving Public Health Systems in Developing Countries
  • Health Crisis Supply Chains: Reflections on the Ebola Response
  • Infrastructure and Capacity: Begin Today to be Ready Tomorrow

SPEAKERS include representatives from the following organizations:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BI Norwegian Business School, Clinton Health Access Initiative, The Coca-Cola Company, FHI 360, GAVI- The Vaccine Alliance, Georgia Tech, Humanitarian Logistics Association, ICRC, Imperial Health Sciences, IMRES Medical Solutions, INSEAD, Johnson & Johnson, Last Mile Health, MIT, McKinsey & Company, Médecins Sans Frontières, Medic Mobile, North Star Alliance, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, OXFAM, People that Deliver, Stanford University, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,  UNICEF, UN Mission on Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), UN World Food Programme, UPS, USAID, UTi Pharmaceuticals, and the World Health Organization.

THE GOAL of the conference is to identify challenges and solutions in logistics and supply-chain topics related to a broad range of health and humanitarian operations including preparation, response, and recovery from natural and man-made disasters and disease outbreak as well as ongoing humanitarian crises due to war, famine, infectious diseases, and chronic health problems. 

THE AGENDA features plenary panels, interactive workshops, and poster sessions on supply chain management and logistics in global health and humanitarian emergency response and long-term development. The program also includes ample opportunities for networking, health and humanitarian related site visits around Johannesburg, and leisure excursions in South Africa. 

OUR SPONSORS have made this year's conference possible through their generous support: UPS, IMRES Netherlands/Imperial Health Sciences, Walmart, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, and Johnson & Johnson. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Meghan Smithgaall at if you are interested in joining our sponsors to support the conference.

Conference Organizers

  • Özlem Ergun (Northeastern University; Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems, Georgia Tech)
  • Jarrod Goentzel (Humanitarian Response Lab, MIT)
  • Pinar Keskinocak and Julie Swann (Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems, Georgia Tech)
  • Lew Roberts and Shaun Rozyn (Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria)
  • Luk Van Wassenhove (Humanitarian Research Group, INSEAD)