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Fellowship Created for ISyE Students in Health Systems and Analytics

October 22, 2020

The George Family Foundation has provided funding to launch the George Fellows Leadership Program for the 2020-21 academic year. George Fellows, who are ISyE graduate students conducting research in health systems and analytics, will receive a leadership stipend in addition to their fellowship award and will participate in the new year-long leadership program.

The program is led by Terry Blum, Tedd Munchak Chair in Entrepreneurship and professor in the Scheller College of Business, and Pinar Keskinocak, ISyE William W. George Chair and professor. Participants will study the True North approach to leadership development created by Bill George that has been implemented at both Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Program activities include opportunities to examine self-awareness; values and principles; motivations; and how to lead an integrated life — all of which underlie becoming an authentic leader.

“Historically, healthcare providers have been focused on and were incentivized for treating disease, instead of a holistic systems approach that promotes overall health and well-being and is supported by new advances in analytics and data science,” said Keskinocak. “We hope that graduates of our master’s in health systems program will combine their knowledge of health systems with the skills they gain in this exciting leadership program to lead systemwide transformation from ‘sick care’ to ‘healthcare.’”

  • Bill and Penny George
    Bill and Penny George
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