There has been a lot of progress in medicine and science in understanding and preventing infectious diseases over time; however, these diseases still threaten human health. A variety of prevention or intervention measures may be available, and it is important to understand which combination of these measures would be most impactful, when and where, particularly under resource limitations. In this presentation we will provide examples on how operations research and analytics methods can be used in supporting public health interventions for infectious diseases.

View the recording of Analytics for Infectious Disease Control” via YouTube

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This was the fourth webinar of a series on the value of applying analytics to real-world problems. These webinars are an initiative of the INFORMS Practice Section, and you are welcomed to join here.

If you would like to present in this webinar series send your information to:

Dr. Patricia Neri (patricianerib@gmail.com) or Dr. Carrie Beam (carrie@carriebeamconsulting.com).

The Practice Section is currently working on the fifth webinar in the series.  Check back here for updates!

INFORMS Analytics for Infectious Disease Control