Dr. Rodgers is the director of the Georgia Tech Air Quality Laboratory, holding academic and/or research appointments in the Georgia Tech Schools of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, and Public Policy. Dr. Rodgers has a long and distinguished record in air quality research, serving as principal investigator on research projects totaling more than $20 million since 1988 including numerous projects on field and laboratory measurements of pollutants and instrument development and intercomparison.
Current activities include managing projects GRASP (Georgia Rural Aerosol Sampling Program) and ON-RAMP (On-Road Ammonia Measurement Program) both of which focus on particulate emissions, conversion and fate. In the area of mobile source emissions, he directs Georgia Tech's efforts in vehicle remote sensing and model validation and is Co-Principal Investigator on the development of the MEASURE model. Dr. Rodgers serves on EPA's Mobile Source Technical Advisory Subcommittee and Emissions Modeling Workgroup, the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to the International Standards Organization, ASTM International's Committee D-22 on the Analysis of Atmospheres as well a numerous other technical and policy advisory committees.