Ben Wang

Professor Emeritus


 Groseclose 318


  • B.S. Industrial Engineering (1976), Tunghai University
  • M.S. Industrial Engineering (1985), Pennsylvania State University.
  • Ph.D. Industrial Engineering (1986), Pennsylvania State University.


  • Industrial Engineering


Ben Wang is Professor Emeritus in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. In addition, Dr. Wang previously served as the Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute. 

Dr. Wang's primary research interest is in applying emerging technologies to improve manufacturing competitiveness. He specializes in process development for affordable composite materials. Dr. Wang is widely acknowledged as a pioneer in the growing field of nanomaterials science. His main area of research involves a material known as "buckypaper", which has shown promise in a variety of applications, including the development of aerospace structures, improvements in energy and power efficiency, enhancements in thermal management of engineering systems, and construction of the next-generation of computer displays.

Dr. Wang served on the National Materials and Manufacturing Board (NMMB). NMMB is the principal forum at the U.S. National Academies for issues related to innovative materials and advanced manufacturing, and has oversight responsibility for National Research Council activities in these technology areas. Dr. Wang is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.

Because of his contributions to advanced manufacturing and materials, Dr. Wang was invited to deliver a presentation to the U.S. National Research Council Review Panel in support of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative in 2005. In 2012, he was invited to give testimony before the National Academies Committee on Manufacturing Extension Partnership. In 2012 he was invited to participate in the Roundtable on Strengthening U.S. Advanced Manufacturing in Clean Energy in the White House.

In addition to authoring or co-authoring more than 240 refereed journal papers, he is a co-author of three books: Computer-Aided Manufacturing (Prentice-Hall, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, and 3rd Edition), Computer-Aided Process Planning (Elsevier Science Publishers), and Computer Aided Manufacturing PC Application Software (Delmar Publishers).

Dr. Wang earned his bachelor's in industrial engineering from Tunghai University in Taiwan, and his master's in industrial engineering and Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.