Frederick Benaben

Adjunct Professor


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  • Ph.D. Computer Sciences (2001), Montpellier University
  • M.S Automated systems and microelectronics (1998), Montpellier University
  • M.Eng Artificial Intelligence (1998), IMT Mines Ales


  • Information System
  • Risk and Crisis Management
  • Model-Driven Engineering
  • Interoperability
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Service-Oriented and Event-Driven Architectures
  • Decision Support System
  • supply chain


Professor - IMT Mines Albi - Industrial Engineering Research Center - FRANCE

Adjunct Professor - Georgia Tech - H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (since 03/2020)

Adjunct Professor - Beijing JiaoTong University - School of Economics and Management (since 09/2017)

Frederick BENABEN is Professor at the Industrial Engineering Center of IMT Mines Albi.

Since 2019, he is the head of the Safety and Crisis Management research team (around 20 researchers including professors, assistant/associate-professors, engineers, PhD and Post-Doc students) of the Industrial Engineering Center of IMT Mines Albi.

He is also since 2019 the co-director (with Prof. Benoit Montreuil) of the Associated International Lab SIReN (Sentient Immersive Response Networks Lab) between IMT Mines Albi and Georgia Tech ISyE.

Prior to that, he has been, between 2012 and 2019, the head of the Interoperability of Organizations research team (15 researchers).

His research works focus on data management, through model-driven engineering for decision support. He basically defined an Artificial Intelligence Framework dedicated to combine Data Sciences and Industrial Engineering. The main application domains concerns information systems for complex situation management in crisis management and supply-chain contexts.

His main scientific abilities mainly relate to Information System design (service-oriented architecture, event-driven architecture), System Engineering (model-driven engineering), Enterprise Modeling (business process management, knowledge base management, decision support systems), Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis (machine learning, principal component analysis, rule based systems). He stands at the crossroads of industrial engineering, information systems, and artificial intelligence applied to crisis management, supply chain management, and risk management.

Since 2006, he is the instigator and the scientific coordinator of the R-IOSuite prototype, a suite of tools developed to support collaboration of organizations (mainly in crisis management contexts and supply chain contexts), which has been semi-finalist (i.e. one of the 20 last selected prototypes among 5,000+ competitors) of the IBM Call4Code competition in 2019.

Since 2018, he is the instigator and the coordinator of the POD initiative (Physics of Decisions) which is a physics-based theory dedicated to support decision making in uncertain situations: the performance of a system is modeled as multi-dimensional trajectory while risks and opportunities are seen as forces that may impact or deviate that trajectory.

For both these research domains, he is using model-driven engineering, data science, virtual reality, service-oriented architecture and system science. As a Professor working on applied research, he also has strong collaborative research experience with industry. He worked with a lot of industrial partners in various sectors (security, safety, technologies, business intelligence). He is currently leading or co-leading 3 industrial research common labs with industrial partners (Dassault 3DS, Immersive Factory, SCALIAN).

Since 2004, he has published more than 200 communications including more than 30 journal articles. He has been involved in more than 20 funded collaborative projects, including 5 as P.I. (for a total turnover of more than $6M), and he did also supervise 28 PhD. He has been Keynote speaker in 5 international conferences.