Dr. Robert de Souza is the Executive Director of the The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific (TLI - Asia Pacific). Robert is a Chartered Engineer and a distinguished writer, speaker, consultant and advisor in the area of supply chain management. Prior to this appointment, effective May 1st 2004, Dr Robert de Souza served as Deputy Executive Director (Industry) and IT Director at TLI - Asia Pacific. Previously, Dr de Souza was Executive Vice President (Asia Pacific) for V3 Systems. His extensive tenure in the industry also includes serving as the Corporate Senior Vice President and Global Chief Knowledge Officer at Viewlocity Inc. and co-founder, Vice Chairman and CEO of SC21 Pte, Ltd., a Singapore-based supply chain software firm. As an educator, Dr de Souza is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta and also a Senior Fellow in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the National University of Singapore and has previously served as a professor and in several senior positions in the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Dr. de Souza is a member of the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and the International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Dr de Souza also serves on the Advisory Panel of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Singapore (CILTS), as a Council Member of the Singapore eSupply Chain Management (eSCM) Council and on the Boards of Directors/Advisors of several IT- based corporations.
In November 2014, Robert was conferred National Day Honours from the President of the Republic of Singapore in the form of the Public Administration Medal (Bronze).