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Make A Gift to SCL

Listed below are several methods of making a gift to SCL. Please remember that many companies will match gifts to educational institutions, considerably increasing the size of your gift.

Outright Gifts

Make a cash gift to SCL

To make a cash gift designated to SCL, simply make your check payable to the “Georgia Tech Foundation Inc.” and mail it to the following address:

Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute
Attn: Development
765 Ferst Drive NW
Suite 228
Atlanta, GA 30332-0205

Please be sure to include a note stating that you'd like your gift to be directed to support SCL

Make a gift by credit card
  • Visit
  • Enter an Amount and note whether it is a recurring gift
  • Under Designation choose "Make a Special Gift to Georgia Tech (write in your preference)"
  • When asked to "Type in the name of your designation...", type Supply Chain and Logistics Institute
  • After submission, please contact to ensure proper tracking and follow up regarding your gift
Make a gift by wire transfer

For gifts by wire transfer, please contact Pat Barton, Director of Gift Account, at 404.894.5544 to inform Georgia Tech of your coming gift to ensure your transfer is credited properly.

Make a gift of stock electronically to Georgia Tech

An electronic transfer of stock to the Georgia Tech Foundation can be made by contacting Linda Lilly at 404-894-6130 at the Georgia Tech Foundation regarding the planned transfer.

Matching Gifts

Many companies match the gifts of their current or retired employees. Your company’s human resources department can provide details on its policies and can provide a matching gift form to include with your gift.  

Can I receive a tax deduction for my gift?  

Different deductions are associated with different gifts. Factors influencing tax deductions include the assets you are giving Georgia Tech and when a specific asset is given. In general, for outright gifts to Tech, you will receive an income-tax charitable deduction.

Deferred Gifts and Estate Planning

Bequests and other planned gifts are some of the greatest sources of funding for Georgia Tech. These gifts stabilize Tech's financial foundation, securing the future of Tech while perpetuating a legacy of giving.

Estate Gifts
  • Will or Living Trust Provisions enable you to direct the distribution of your assets at your death.
  • Retirement-Plan Assets are a tax-wise and easy way to make a gift for Georgia Tech's future.
  • Life Insurance also can provide security for Tech's future.
Life-Income Gifts
  • Charitable Gift Annuity is a great way to support Georgia Tech's future while supplementing your and/or your spouse's retirement income with the assurance of fixed quarterly payments.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust is a popular way of making a significant gift to Georgia Tech while providing income to the donor and/or other beneficiaries through fixed or variable payments.
Other Gift Plans
  • Charitable Lead Trusts allows you to provide a stream of gifts to Tech for a number of years, and then transfer assets to heirs at a reduced tax level.
  • Retained Life Estate means giving your home to Georgia Tech and receiving a charitable deduction now with you and your spouse living there for your lifetimes

 Contact Nancy Sandlin, director of development for ISyE, to discuss philanthropic opportunities.

Nancy Sandlin
Director of Development
Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
755 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0205
Phone: 404-385-7458

ISyE location map

Georgia Tech Supply Chain and
Logistics Institute
H. Milton Stewart School of
Industrial & Systems Engineering
765 Ferst Drive, NW, Suite 228
Atlanta, GA 30332
Phone: 404.894.2343