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SCL Course: World Class Sales and Operations Planning (Virtual/Instructor-led)


This course focuses on defining, executing, and improving the S&OP process. Participants will be introduced to the appropriate stakeholders of S&OP, the importance of S&OP to corporate performance, S&OP cadence, and the use of visionary technology to bring S&OP to the next level. Business cases will be used to show concrete examples of companies where S&OP is effectively applied.


  • Chief Operating Officers, Supply Chain, Sales, Marketing and Finance Management Executives (Directors, VPs, EVPs)
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Managers, Consultants, Supervisors, Planners, and Engineers
  • Supply Chain Education and Human Resource Management personnel
  • Inventory and Demand Planners
  • Procurement and Sourcing Analysts and Managers
  • Manufacturing Planners, Analysts, and Managers
  • Sales Operations Managers, Analysts, Planners, Supervisors, Directors


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the need for an S&OP cycle in a company
  • Apply principles key to success of an S&OP process
  • Experience true market examples relevant to their businesses


  • Learn how to identify and apply best fit S&OP process and technology enablers to your organization and make it a reality based process.
  • Walk through a complete simulated S&OP cycle supported by a technology enabler.
  • Understand the interaction and integration between the financial and operation levels of S&O.
  • Learn the key components of an effective S&OP business case through discussion of real life examples of how companies have benefited from the implementation of best practices in S&OP.


  • Defining the S&OP process before adopting technology
  • The advantages of value based and reality based S&OP
  • Why S&OP needs to be integrated closely with operational planning
  • What is the scope of each role in the S&OP Cycle
  • What are the most valuable outputs and results of the S&OP Cycle
  • How can technology enable companies to take performance to the next level
  • Experience a complete simulated technology-enabled S&OP Cycle

Event Details

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 - 8:00am to Friday, 27 September 2024 - 12:00pm


ISyE location map

Georgia Tech Supply Chain and
Logistics Institute
H. Milton Stewart School of
Industrial & Systems Engineering
765 Ferst Drive, NW, Suite 228
Atlanta, GA 30332
Phone: 404.894.2343