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Teaching in the Time of Covid-19

December 2, 2020

In a new article from Georgia Tech's College of Engineering, four faculty members from across the College who -- because of the instructional challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic -- taught outside the box.

ISyE Fouts Family Early Career Professor and Assistant Professor Swati Gupta explains why, a month into the semester, she encouraged her undergraduate students to go outside for "walking lectures" and the other ways she changed up her pedagogical style.

You can read the entire article here.


  • Fourth-year Suma Gangasani participated in ISyE Assistant Professor's
    Fourth-year Suma Gangasani participated in ISyE Assistant Professor's "walking lectures" this semester.
  • Swati Gupta
    Swati Gupta
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Georgia Tech Supply Chain and
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H. Milton Stewart School of
Industrial & Systems Engineering
765 Ferst Drive, NW, Suite 228
Atlanta, GA 30332
Phone: 404.894.2343