Special Note

Enroll in this course at any time, even if the session start date has passed. However, check the register by and session end date listed in the session details to ensure you have enough time to complete the course.

Course Description

This course prepares students in the basics of demand planning and the role of demand planning within an organization’s overall supply chain. The course includes presentations of the key elements of demand planning including the interaction between demand and order management, demand planning principles, demand planning tools and techniques, communicating and managing demand and contemporary approaches to demand planning and metrics and roles associated with demand planning.

Who Should Attend

  • Sourcing Analysts, Supervisors, Managers, Clerks, Representatives, Agents, Leads, and Specialists
  • Procurement Analysts, Supervisors, Managers, Agents, Clerks, Leads, Representatives, and Specialists
  • Contract Development Specialists, Agents, Clerks, Leads, Representatives, and Supervisors
  • Buyers, Senior Buyers
  • Buyer/Planners
  • Purchasing Analysts, Representatives, Supervisors, Managers, Agents, Clerks, Leads, and Specialists
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Managers, Analysts, Consultants, Supervisors, Technologists, Planners and Engineers
  • Business and Systems Analysts
  • Supply Chain Education and Human Resource Management personnel
  • Inventory Planners
  • Order Management Supervisors, Managers, Analysts
  • Demand Planners, Supply Planners, Forecast Analysts, Forecasting Managers
  • Inventory Managers, Inventory Clerks, Inventory Analysts
  • Transportation Planners, Transportation Clerks, Transportation Analysts, Transportation Managers

How You Will Benefit

  • Outline at a high level what demand planning is and why it is important to company success
  • Identify the key roles and skills required in demand planning
  • Discuss the key responsibilities and metrics used in planning demand
  • Explain the key links between demand management and order management
  • Discuss the role of Ecommerce technologies in enabling effective demand management
  • Discuss the definitions of forecasting and inventory control
  • Recognize the difference between independent and dependent demand
  • Define the various types of uncertainty related to demand planning in terms of demand, supply, and lead times
  • Explain the causes and impacts of variability or uncertainty
  • Discuss the basic types of forecasting techniques, such as reorder points, Economic Order Quantity, lead times, and technology uses
  • List the key aspects of demand sensing and communication
  • Discuss the key aspects of gaining demand consensus within and organization
  • Identify the key metrics used in demand management
  • Explain the key aspects of managing and prioritizing demand
  • Describe Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR), how it works, and its benefits
  • Discuss pull systems versus push systems
  • Explain the concept of demand shaping

What is Covered

Demand Planning is a start anytime, self-paced course consisting of 6 Learning Blocks.  

  • Learning Block 1 – Introduction to Demand Planning
  • Learning Block 2 – Interaction between Demand Management & Order Management
  • Learning Block 3 – Demand Planning Principles
  • Learning Block 4 – Demand Planning Tools and Techniques
  • Learning Block 5 – Communicating and Managing Demand
  • Learning Block 6 – Contemporary Approaches to Demand Planning and Management

Course Prerequisite and Related Certificate Information


Course Times

Our online Supply Chain Fundamentals courses are 100% online, self-paced, start anytime, and are approximately 40 hours of instruction per course. There is a quiz at the end of each learning block that must be passed to move onto the next learning block.

Course Materials

Required: Computer with speakers and internet connectivity to access online content

Provided: Access to online course content and optional reading materials

Course Fee

Standard Fee: $350.00

Please note the course Access Period (start and end dates) noted within the Georgia Tech Professional Education website where registration takes place. Access to the course ends on the noted date and cannot be extended. For example, if you enrolled today, completed half of the course content, quizzes, etc. and do not complete by the end date – you would lose your progress and, unfortunately, have to re-enroll and start over.