Special Note
Enroll in this course at any time, even if the session start date has passed. However, check the register by and session end date listed in the session details to ensure you have enough time to complete the course.
Course Description
This course prepares students in the basics of inventory control and management operations and the role of inventory management within an organization’s overall supply chain. The course includes presentations of the key elements of inventory control and management including: inventory cost components, types and uses of inventory, planning inventory levels, maintaining inventory accuracy, and metrics and roles associated with inventory management.
Who Should Attend
- Sourcing Analysts, Supervisors, Managers, Clerks, Representatives, Agents, Leads, and Specialists
- Procurement Analysts, Supervisors, Managers, Agents, Clerks, Leads, Representatives, and Specialists
- Contract Development Specialists, Agents, Clerks, Leads, Representatives, and Supervisors
- Buyers, Senior Buyers
- Buyer/Planners
- Purchasing Analysts, Representatives, Supervisors, Managers, Agents, Clerks, Leads, and Specialists
- Supply Chain and Logistics Managers, Analysts, Consultants, Supervisors, Technologists, Planners and Engineers
- Business and Systems Analysts
- Supply Chain Education and Human Resource Management personnel
- Inventory Planners
- Order Management Supervisors, Managers, Analysts
- Demand Planners, Supply Planners, Forecast Analysts, Forecasting Managers
- Inventory Managers, Inventory Clerks, Inventory Analysts
- Transportation Planners, Transportation Clerks, Transportation Analysts, Transportation Managers
How You Will Benefit
By the end of the course, the learner will be able to...
- Discuss the main reasons for carrying inventory
- Describe the main approaches to managing inventory
- Explain the key roles and responsibilities for managing inventory at distribution centers (DCs)
- Discuss the way inventory management functions with other processes in a company
- Describe inventory replenishment and its relationship to customer service levels
- Discuss the main ways to categorize and to manage inventory
- Describe the tools and techniques used for inventory control
- Discuss key concepts of inventory storage and deployment
- Explain methods used to measure inventory accuracy and stock keeping
- Understand how inventory management works with other functional groups in a company
- Describe the link between inventory management and forecasting
- Discuss uncertainty in the inventory process and how to address it
- Understand how better visibility of inventory and demand can reduce total inventory
- Discuss key measures of inventory performance
- Explain the costs related to inventory
What is Covered
Inventory Management is a start anytime, self-paced course consisting of 6 Learning Blocks.
- Learning Block 1 – Introduction to Inventory Management
- Learning Block 2 – Monitoring and Analyzing Inventory Management
- Learning Block 3 – Inventory Control
- Learning Block 4 – Inventory Management and Forecasting
- Learning Block 5 - Managing Inventory in the Supply Chain
- Learning Block 6 – Inventory Performance Measurement & Financial Implications
- Introduction to the Supply Chain Game
- Supply Chain Game – Round I
- Supply Chain Game – Round II
- Supply Chain Game – Round III
Course Prerequisite and Related Certificate Information
Course Materials
Required: Computer with speakers and internet connectivity to access online content
Provided: Access to online course content and optional reading materials
Course Fee
Standard Fee: $350.00
Please note the course Access Period (start and end dates) noted within the Georgia Tech Professional Education website where registration takes place. Access to the course ends on the noted date and cannot be extended. For example, if you enrolled today, completed half of the course content, quizzes, etc. and do not complete by the end date – you would lose your progress and, unfortunately, have to re-enroll and start over.