Health Systems - The Next Generation 2017 Forum
The Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech recently hosted Health Systems: The Next Generation. To review the presentations, posters and photos from the forum visit
Research Helps Humanitarian Aid Organization
Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have identified how medical surplus items can be distributed more efficiently by humanitarian organizations. Two recent articles, “Effective Medical Surplus Recovery” and “Truthful Mechanisms for Medical Surplus Product Allocation,” identify operations methodology that enables recipients to request and receive items that best match their needs.
Ben Wang to Chair National Materials and Manufacturing Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Ben Wang was recently selected as chair of the National Materials and Manufacturing Board (NMMB), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Wang is executive director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute, Gwaltney Chair & professor in the Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, and professor in Materials Science & Engineering
Logistics Education And Pathways (LEAP) Profile: Zaria Walker
While going to school during the week to pursue her GED, Zaria took;GT LEAP courses at night and worked ;in the Juma Atlanta concessions operations group on the weekend. Through perseverance and her will to succeed, she later secured fulltime employment within the JUMA organization.
ISyE Associate Professor Alejandro Toriello Appointed to the Leo and Louise Benatar Early Career Professorship
“Alejandro has made valuable contributions to both the Stewart School and his field through his research related to supply chain management, logistics, and optimization,” said Edwin Romeijn, ISyE’s H. Milton and Carolyn J. Stewart School Chair. “His appointment to the Leo and Louise Benatar Early Career Professorship will enable him to further advance in his career and impact his field.”
ISyE's Shabbir Ahmed and Edwin Romeijn elected to Class of 2017 INFORMS Fellows
As the world’s largest professional association dedicated to and promoting best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes, INFORMS reserves the Fellow Award for distinguished individuals who have demonstrated outstanding and exceptional accomplishments in operations research and the management sciences.
#SupplyChainCity Report Ranks Atlanta Number Two
The Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute served on a task force for #SupplyChainCity, an initiative created by the Metro Atlanta Chamber aimed at transforming the region’s traditional supply chain into a digital supply chain powered by the cross-section of smart devices and the Internet of Things.
Engineering Research Center Will Help Expand Use of Therapies Based on Living Cells
Led by the Georgia Institute of Technology, the NSF Engineering Research Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT) could help revolutionize the treatment of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and other disorders by enabling broad use of potentially curative therapies that utilize living cells – such as immune cells and stem cells – as “drugs.”
ISyE’s Yao Xie Appointed as Harold R. and Mary Anne Nash Early Career Professor
Xie’s new appointment will allow her to further pursue her research in sequential statistical methods, statistical signal processing, big data analysis, compressed sensing, and optimization.
National Science Foundation awards TRIPODS Institute to Georgia Tech for the establishment of the Transdisciplinary Research Institute for Advancing Data Science
The Georgia Institute of Technology will direct a new cross-disciplinary institute established with a $1.5 million National Science Foundation award.
ISyE William W. George Chair Pinar Keskinocak Selected as COE Interim Associate Dean
Dr. Keskinocak, George Professor in the Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE), has been named as interim associate dean for faculty development and scholarship in the College of Engineering (CoE) Dean’s Office, effective July 1.
Logistics Education And Pathways (LEAP) Profile: David Gachuz
David Gachuz is just one of the LEAP (Logistics Education and Pathways) program’s latest success stories. The high school senior, who is days away from graduation, has always wanted to work for Delta Airlines. Accordingly, he signed up for and completed the first of four LEAP courses, Supply Chain Management Principles, when he heard it could help him get a job at Delta.
Logistics Education And Pathways (LEAP) Profile: Abe Cheung
Abe Cheung was a senior in high school when his business teacher approached him about enrolling in the Georgia Tech LEAP program. Having previously taken some logistics courses as part of his high school curriculum, Cheung knew that he was interested in pursuing additional education in supply chain and logistics. Plus, he said, there was the motivation of doing work that was recognized by Georgia Tech.
ISyE Professor Xiaoming Huo Selected As 2017 ASA Fellow
ISyE announced that Professor Xiaoming Huo has been selected by the American Statistical Association as a 2017 Fellow for distinguished contributions to the field of statistical science.
Georgia Tech’s ECE and ISyE Interdisciplinary Team Chosen for the DARPA Spectrum Challenge
The Georgia Tech Agile Communication Architectures team is one of 30 teams selected to participate in the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge. The team is spearheaded by Matthieu Bloch, an associate professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Sebastian Pokutta, David M. McKenney Family Associate Professor in ISyE. The team comprises graduate students from both schools and comes out of the interdisciplinary Center for Machine Learning at Georgia Tech (ML@GT).
2017 Health and Humanitarian Logistics Conference Brings Together Hundreds to Affect Positive Change Across the Globe
The event drew over 200 attendees from 39 countries and 127 organizations, including non-governmental organizations and UN agencies as well as government, industry, foundations, and academia.
ISyE Professor Shabbir Ahmed Appointed to Anderson-Interface Chair
ISyE announced that Dean's Professor and Stewart Faculty Fellow Shabbir Ahmed has been appointed to the Anderson-Interface Chair, effective July 1, 2017.
Georgia Tech Hosts Chilean Study Program
Professor Alejandro Mac Cawley (Ph.D., Georgia Tech ISyE) and his Chilean graduate students from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile recently visited Georgia Tech in May. This was a prime experience for the students, who are studying industrial engineering and supply chain and are looking to gain insights on U.S. company practices and culture.
Georgia Tech Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) Offers Professional Certificate in Health & Humanitarian Supply Chain Management to International Cohort
31 practitioners in global health and humanitarian response, from 17 countries across the globe, gathered at Georgia Tech’s Global Learning Center for a week in May to participate in the certificate program in Health & Humanitarian Supply Chain Management offered by Georgia Tech’s Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems.
HHL Conference announces Keynote speaker Rick Brennan, Director of Emergency Operations at World Health Organization (WHO)
The 9th annual Health & Humanitarian Logistics Conference draws practitioners from across various sectors to discuss supply chain, logistics, and systems design for global health and humanitarian response / long-term development.
CHHS hosts "Innovation in Public Impact Research Across GA Tech" seminar
Watch VIDEO recap of the April 19th seminar from professors in College of Computing, the School of City & Regional Planning, and the Enterprise Innovation Institute on new research related to improving health and urban planning locally and internationally.
Logistics Education And Pathways (LEAP) Profile: Devyon Johnson
Devyon wasn't having success landing interviews or getting call backs for job applications. A mentor at the National Urban League encouraged him to apply to Juma, an employment and job training program which helps youth overcome the hardships of poverty and aspire to career success.
Georgia Tech Brings the World to Savannah
More than 50 professionals from industry, government and academia participated in the first ever Georgia Tech-sponsored ports logistics conference April 10-11 in Savannah. The program was sponsored by DINALOG (Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics) and the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL).
ISyE Graduate Program Maintains No. 1 Ranking
For the 27th consecutive year, the Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE) graduate program has maintained its No. 1 status in U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 edition of Best Graduate Schools.
2017 Great Package Race
Dr. John Bartholdi recently held the race, which involves shipping packages from the Supply Chain & Logistics Institute at Georgia Tech to a hard-to-reach destination around the world.