Carefully Manage Temperature-Controlled Space
JohnJ. Bartholdi III, Manhattan Associates Chair of Supply Chain Management andResearch Director, The Supply Chain & Logistics Institute, was the featuredauthor for "Cool Insights," an annual column in Food LogisticsMagazine for 2010. Bartholdi’s article, titled “Carefully Manage Temperature-Controlled Space,” appeared in the July/August2010 issue. Read the column:$3905.
Making the Case for Cold Chain
"Cool Insights," an annual column in Food Logistics Magazine for 2010, featured an article by David Sterling, a partner in SCL's new Integrated Food Chain Center, on "Making the Case for Cold Chain." This second column appeared in the June issue.Read the column:$3710
Ed Frazelle Leads Supply Chain Webinar in September
In September, Georgia Tech's Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (SCL) will be hosting a free webinar presented by Ed Frazelle, director of SCL's Supply Chain Management Series and CEO of Logistics Resources International. The webinar is scheduled for Friday September 24th from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).
SCL Congratulates First Lean Supply Chain Professional Certificate Recipients
This three-course series is the first certificate program of its kind. With a focuson building the lean supply chain professional, this program will change howsupply chain professionals think, act, and lead by teaching them to develop andimplement strategic and tactical elements of lean principles in the supplychain.
Ed Frazelle Leading Two Supply Chain Webinars in June
This June, Georgia Tech's Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (SCL) is hosting two supply chain webinars with Ed Frazelle, director of SCL's certificate program, the Supply Chain Management Series, and CEO of Logistics Resources International. The two webinars are scheduled for Monday, June 14, 2010, and Friday, June 18, 2010, both from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Eastern time).
Langley to Speak at National Logistics Conference in April
Dr. John Langley, professor of supply chain management in Georgia Tech's Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL) and director of Supply Chain Executive Programs will be one of the featured speakers at the 6th annual National Logistics & Distribution Conference (NLDC). The conference, which SCL is co-hosting with the Metro Atlanta Chamber, is scheduled for April 12-14, 2010, at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center.
Peak, McGinnis speak on Model Based Systems Engineering
Russell Peak (MARC) and Leon McGinnis (ISyE) spoke to the systems engineering division, modeling and simulation committee, of the National Defense Industries Association on April 22, 2009.
CostVision, PSLM Center Launch Research Collaboration
CostVision,a Denver, CO firm, and the PSLM Center at Georgia Tech have launched a research collaboration funded by the Air Force Research Labs.
Keck Lab wins EVO Planning Grant from NSF
Professor Leon McGinnis, along with colleagues John Fowler (Arizona State University), Russ Meller (University of Arkansas), and Dima Nazzal (University of Central Florida) have been awarded a planning grant from NSF focused on Discrete Event Logistics Systems.
PSLM collaborates with Lockheed Martin on Sys Model
Professor Leon McGinnis and colleagues Russell Peak (MARC) and Chris Paredis (ME) are working with Lockheed Martin to demonstrate the use of a new systems modeling language (SysML) for supporting system design with integrated simulation and analysis.
SAP Happily Goes Back to School
When SAP's travel and transportation team wanted insight into the use of enterprise service-oriented architecture in supply chain and logistics, they turned to Professor Donald Ratliff, executive director of the Stewart School of ISyE's Supply Chain & Logistics Institute at Georgia Tech.