Cool Insights: Processing Produce at the Speed of Light
Jaymie Forrest, managing director of the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute and co-founder of the Integrated Food Chain Research Center (IFC), authored the Cool Insights column for the October edition of Food Logistics, titled “Processing Produce at the Speed of Light.”
Fall 2012 Supply Chain Executive Forum Focuses on Supply Chain Complexity
The Georgia Tech Supply Chain Executive Forum recently held its 2012 fall meeting around the theme “Supply Chain Complexity”.
France-Atlanta 2012: The Fight Against Urban Poverty - November 6th at Georgia Tech
Once again, the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and the Georgia Institute of Technology are partnering to present a series of 15 French-American events designed to breathe new life into the cooperation between France and the U.S. Southeast: “France-Atlanta 2012”.
Cool Insights: The New Dilemma for Fresh Programs
Nick Pacitti, co-founder of Sterling Solutions LLC, authored the Cool Insights column for the September edition of Food Logistics, titled “The New Dilemma for Fresh Programs.”
2013 Conference on Health and Humanitarian Logistics: The Unique Logistical Challenges for Humanitarian Response in Asia
The 2013 Conference on Health and Humanitarian Logistics: The Unique Logistical Challenges for Humanitarian Response in Asia will be held June 4-5, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia.
Where the Shipping Industry is Heading
We should pause from the mad race to spend billions of dollars expanding East and Gulf Coast ports to accommodate larger ships and re-evaluate our strategy. The sooner the ports decide on where they fit into the system, the better off the nation will be.
Cool Insights: Fresh Needs Fast—Rail is Up to the Challenge
Nick Pacitti recently authored the Cool Insights column for the July/August edition of Food Logistics, titled “Fresh Needs Fast—Rail is Up to the Challenge.”
Are your Transportation and Distribution Strategies ready to cope with the Global Changes in the Container Shipping Industry? GT’s SCL course on Transportation and Distribution to address these issues in Savannah, October 2-4, 2012
The SCL professional education course on Transportation and Distribution held at the Georgia Tech Savannah campus October 2-4, will give participants an overview of the complexities of transportation and distribution planning and educate them as to why this has become a critical corporate function.
Ratliff Invited to Speak at 2012 DHL Public Policy Forum
Don Ratliff, executive director of SCL, was invited to speak at the 2012 DHL Public Policy Forum on July 10, 2012 in Washington, DC.
Logistics Investment and Trade Growth: The Need for Better Analytics
As part of the World Economic Forums' The Global Enabling Trade Report 2012 - Reducing Supply Chain Barriers, Professors Don Ratliff and Amar Ramudhin co-authored the chapter "Logistics Investment and Trade Growth: The Need for Better Analytics".
Cool Insights: An Integrated Framework for Managing Standards and Operations of the Food Industry
Donald Ratliff, executive director of the Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL), and Amar Ramudhin, director of SCL, recently co-authored the Cool Insights column for the June 2012 issue of Food Logistics, titled “An Integrated Framework for Managing Standards and Operations of the Food Industry.”
Cool Insights: The Value of Supply Chain Visibility: Traceability is Just the Start
Susan Wilkinson authored the Cool Insights column for the April/May 2012 issue of Food Logistics, titled “The Value of Supply Chain Visibility: Traceability is Just the Start.”
Cool Insights: Cold Chain Technology is More Than Temperature Monitoring
Nick Pacitti, co-founder of Sterling Solutions LLC, authored the Cool Insights column for theJanuary/February 2012 issue of FoodLogistics.
Jaymie Forrest Receives Accolades for Being an Exceptional Supply Chain Executive
Jaymie Forrest, managing director of SCL, was selected as a finalist forthe Supply Chain Professional of the Year award, and was also selected by the Supply & Demand Chain Executive as one of the 2012 Practitioner Pros to Know.
IFC Hosts Integrated Food Chain Seminar
On Tuesday, February 7th from 1:00-5:00 pm, the Georgia Tech Integrated Food Chain Center will host an Integrated Food Chain Seminar as part of the 2012 Georgia Logistics Pre-Summit. On February 8th, the State of Georgia will hold its Fourth Annual Georgia Logistics Summit hosted by the Center of Innovation for Logistics. Rapidly growing in size every year, last year's Summit hosted 1,300 participants, from 587 companies, across 21 states (85% from private industry) and has become widely recognized as a valuable, unique and highly anticipated event.
Julie Swann recommends logistical creativity for Japan’s freight markets
(Bloomberg - March23, 2011) Microsoft Corp.’s repair operations for Xbox units ground to a haltin Japan’s Fukushima prefecture when the earthquake knocked out power. Then thelights came on to reveal another hurdle: Shipments of the game consoles hadbeen impaired after the disaster two weeks ago. "Navigating pastquake-battered roads and bridges in the coming days may require somecreativity," said Julie Swann, co- director of the Center for Health andHumanitarian Logistics at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. “Youcertainly try to look at alternate paths, maybe air or sea or bicycles --things you wouldn’t use in normal times,” Swann said. Click here to read the entire article.
Decision Support Tools for Debris Operations in Natural and Man- Made Disasters
The amount of debrisgenerated by some large-scale disasters is equivalent in volume to years ofnormal solid waste production in the affected areas. In Haiti, the task of removingdebris could ”require a fleet of approximately 1,000 trucks working 24 hours aday for two years” and cost upwards of a billion dollars. There is a tremendousneed for decision support tools that can aid in evaluating the long- and short-termcosts and impacts of the interrelated decisions necessary for managing debrisoperations.
Health and Humanitarian Logistics Conference in Regional News
AP -February 26, 2011 (Macon Telegraph, Savannah Morning News)Georgia Tech is hosting an international conference on therole logistics plays in health and humanitarian campaigns around the globe.Officials from government, nonprofits and academia will gather at the Atlantacampus March 3-4 for the third annual Health and Humanitarian LogisticsConference. Participants will come from as far away as India, Finland andUganda. The symposium is being sponsored by Georgia Tech and the Atlanta-basedUPS Foundation. It will be held in the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center oncampus. Click here for story in Macon Telegraph.
Traceability rule represents major adjustment for food industry
A provision of the federal food safety law passed last year requires that all players in the country's food supply chain be able to quickly trace from whom they received a food product and to whom they sent it. They'll have to maintain that information in digital form, creating deep wells of information that, in some cases, consumers could tap into through their computers or cellphones.
McGinnis Invited Keynote Speaker for PhD Colloquium at 2010 Winter Simulation Conference
Leon McGinnis, professor and Eugene C. Gwaltney Chair in Manufacturing Systems inthe H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,was the invited keynote speaker for the PhD Colloquium at the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. Speaking before 100 recent or soon-to-bePhD's on the topic, “Life After the PhD: What I Wish I had Known Sooner,” McGinnisidentified some lessons learned in his 35 years at Georgia Tech that hereally would like to have known sooner.
Senate passes sweeping food safety bill
On November 30th, the Senate approved the biggest overhaul to the nation's food safety laws since the 1930s.
Swann interviewed on humanitarian aid and disaster response
An interview with Julie Swann discussing her thoughts on humanitarian aid and the importance of supply chain collaboration in disaster response was featured in the November/December 2010 issue of Air Cargo World.
Understanding Retail Distribution Models
Dr. John Bartholdi and Dr. Steven Hackman of Georgia Tech featured in Supply Chain News. In the article, they discuss the trade-offs in terms of cross dock DC size, number of doors, and efficiency.
GT Panama's Dario Solis Receives ASME McDonald Mentoring Award
Dr. Solis honored for his contributions to the personal growth and professional advancement of countless young engineers, and for pioneering critical research programs that have enhanced the academic capacity at the Universidad Technológica de Panamá and the national scientific community.
Cool Insights: Forum for Thoughts on Food Chain in 2010
To celebrate the opening of the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistic Institute’s Integrated Food Chain Center, Food Logistics Magazine initiated a new column titled, Cool Insights.
3PL LeanCor To Instruct Lean Supply Chain At New Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Center
LeanCor is extending the Lean Supply Chain Certificate program to the new Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation & Research Center (GTPLIRC) starting this December. GTPLIRC is the latest addition to the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute's (SCL) logistics innovation network of centers that focus on improving country-level logistics performance and increasing trade competitiveness.